
Monday, October 27, 2008

One more valuable essay from Paul Graham

I have updated my link collection of "Articles in Cloud" by one more valuable essay from Paul Graham - "Why to Start a Startup in a Bad Economy"

The economic situation is apparently so grim that some experts fear we may be in for a stretch as bad as the mid seventies.

When Microsoft and Apple were founded.

As those examples suggest, a recession may not be such a bad time to start a startup. I'm not claiming it's a particularly good time either. The truth is more boring: the state of the economy doesn't matter much either way.

Great article, strongly recommended, especially for "one step before" entrepreneurs...

I like most of his articles and you can find more links to my favorite on "Articles in Cloud" sidebar. Also new "Hacker News - Y Combinator" RSS Feed added for your attention.


Monday, October 06, 2008

Prediction from Bill Gates

The financial crisis in the US will not lead to the end of capitalism or a depression, Bill Gates told CNN in a television interview broadcast Sunday.

"It's a very interesting crisis," said the founder of Microsoft, adding that the effect of the collapse of the subprime market needs "requires "some type of correction… but fundamentally ... companies' willingness to invest, right now we haven't seen a huge disruption in that."

So, do not expect depression...

And what do you think? Do you believe to prediction of America’s richest man from top of the Forbes magazine's list point view?