
Monday, September 07, 2009

What is the right age to found venture ...?

[by Vivek Wadhwa - TechCrunch ]
Research that my team conducted, based on a survey of 549 entrepreneurs in high-growth industries, showed that the average founder of a high-growth company launched his venture at age 40. We also learned that these founders are likely to be married and have two or more kids. They typically have six to ten years of work experience and real-world ideas. They simply got tired of working for others and wanted to rise above their middle-class heritage...

Read here full story - When It Comes To Founding Successful Startups, Old Guys Rule

Sunday, September 06, 2009

50 things that are being killed by the internet

[ By Matthew Moore - ]

Your lunchbreak
Did you leave your desk today? Or snaffle a sandwich while sending a few personal emails and checking the price of a week in Istanbul?

Interesting article and discussion even more ... >>